
The Silence at the Song's End

A Film by Daniel Simpson

The actor, Daniel Simpson, chose to make a short film based on ‘The Silence at the Song’s End’ as a project to be part of his degree course, an MA in screen acting at East 15 Drama School in London.

His film has been chosen as a Silver Ace Award winner at the 2010 Las Vegas film festival, and we congratulate him.

Daniel writes: "I feel very fortunate to have been introduced to Nick's life and work after chancing upon a newspaper article which had been written by his mother, Libby.  It was the title of the volume "The Silence at the Song's End" which initially caught my attention - and I only later discovered that this was a line from Nick's wonderful poetry.  As a young man living in an often confused, and confusing, world, I found Nick's poetry resonated powerfully.  I was inspired to make this short film to reflect the themes of inner struggle and solace in the sea which run through Nick's writing, and to transfer some of his beautiful imagery to film."
